Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuile biscuits

I normally serve my creme brûlée accompanied by berries and an almond thin. Tonight I did not have almonds so I had to find an alternative. I decided on an all easy 'crispy thin' and crunchy tuile which I prepared whilst my husband was loading the dishwasher and the biscuits were ready before the table had been wiped.
Tuile biscuits are a versatile addition to any dessert and will transform your ordinary pudding into a classy dish which you can serve to your guests over a dinner party. Just make sure to follow the recipe below, I was in a rush so used a tbs instead of tsp because I just wanted to get it done with so I can go to bed.

I promise to make them again over the weekend and this time maybe top them with lemon curd or make fruit baskets with them.

Chocolate tuile

 Preparation: 3minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Easy to make

1 egg white (from large egg)
60g caster sugar
30g sifted plain flour
30g melted unsalted butter
1/2tsp vanilla extract 
1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)


Baking tray with Teflon
Slightly oiled rolling pin


Whisk egg white lightly using fork 
Add the sugar and carry on whisking till mixture is frothy
Add the flour, vanilla extract and melted butter and mix (and cocoa powder, if using)
Put 4tsp of mixture onto Teflon (easier to put on each corner of the Teflon) and spread a little using back of spoon
Bake for 10minutes

Remove tuile and place onto slightly oiled rolling pin to shape
Repeat process with remaining batter mixture 
You can shape tuiles into any desired shapes

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