Wednesday 11 March 2015

Dauphinois potatoes with lemon chicken


6 Russett potatoes washed and sliced not too tick but not too thin
200mls double cream
150ml Greek yoghurt
100mls milk
1tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1tbs butter
1clove garlic
200g grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 180 deg Celcius

Par boil the potatoes and drain off water

Whilst the potatoes are boiling: combine milk, cream, and season with salt and pepper
Bring mixture to boil and set aside

Grease oven proof dish with butter and rub in the garlic
Layer on the potatoes ensuring that they over lap each layer as you go
Sprinkle the cheese over potatoes and finish off with a nutmeg sprinkle
Pour the cream mixture over the potatoes making sure potatoes are immersed in the liquid
Cover with foil for the first 20minutes of baking then remove foil and continue baking for the remaining 10minutes until the food is golden



400g chicken wings or thighs
2cloves garlic crushed
1tbs clear honey
1/3cup White wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
1tbs butter
1tbs olive oil
1tbs lemon juice
1tsp grated lemon rind
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped coriander to garnish
1tbs cornflour

Fry the chicken in olive oil until cooked through and juices run clear
Transfer chicken to a clean bowl, mix the remaining ingredients and cook until liquid has reduced slightly, add the chicken back into the pan with the side and simmer for a further 10minutes on medium to low heat.
Garnish with coriander and serve with your potato gratin (dauphinois).

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