Wednesday 4 March 2015

Simple dinners

Being a full time working mum has a lot of challenges; juggling work, kids' school work, showers, packed lunches and bed time stories. Most of time is spent on planing and organising dinners to avoid the repetitive meals which my children dislike and so often remind me when they last had lasagna or shepherd's pie or bolognaise. I will then be told of better alternatives which would then be a struggle to pick one for the day as all three of them will come up with different suggestions allmofmwhic have to be honoured. This was my six year' old request for dinner and his older brother's suggestions for dessert. 

Stuffed chicken breast on Savoy cabbage served with horseradish mashed potatoes

Roast Pineapple in honey and sugar syrup accompanied with baileys infused whipped cream

I first had this dessert in Mozambique on my honeymoon and have been an occasional treat in my household ever since.  I know pineapples are sweet, and when mixed with honey and sugar; when Mitch think that it is going to be sickeningly sweet but you will be surprised. The warmed fruit is amazingly refreshing in your mouth and the sweetness is just about right with the juices bursting in your mouth. One slice is often not enough for me believe it or not. My kids love it, so do I and everyone else I have served it to. 

I dare you try it. 

1 well ripen pineapple 
2tbs caster sugar
1tbs clear honey

300mls double cream
1tsp lemon juice
Whip the 2 together till firm and set aside. Do not over whip

Slice your fruit lengthwise into six segments, mix sugar and honey and coat the fruits. Bake in oven at 180deg Celcius for 15-20minutes until fruit is soft and juices oozing out. 
Serve warm with the whipped cream and dazzle some of the juices on top of the fruit. 

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