Wednesday 18 March 2015

Marsala Poached Pears

I have always poached my pears in red wine with a drop of chambord, today however, I decided to use Marsala. I did not have enough caster sugar so I improvised with Light Muscovado sugar, the result was amazing, I got layers of flavours with the sweetness of the Marsala and the smoky Muscovado coming through and the spice from the cinnamon. I will not be going back to the original recipe again. 

4 ripened Rocha Pears peeled
150g caster sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
Vanilla pod split open
1cup Marsala (you can use red wine if you don't have Marsala)

Add ingredients in a heavy based pan or pot. Simmer on hob at medium heat for 20minutes. 
Transfer to oven at 180 deg Celcius for about 90 minutes
Finish off on the hob again for about 20 minutes to thicken the sauce. 

Put 1 pear on a plate standing upright, spoon over the sauce and serve

Marsala Poached Pear with quenelle of vanilla whipped cream.

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