Tuesday 24 March 2015

Crispy duck breast

Many people think that duck, like chicken has to be well done, I find duck to be most delicious and tender when pink. I hate the cardboard taste you get when duck is well done, therefore prefer mine just pink. 😘 Nice, quick and easy to make for midweek no fuss but good food dinners.

Pan fried duck breast on sautéed Chinese leaf
2 duck breasts
Salt and pepper to season
3 juniper berries crushed

Score the breasts with sharp end of the knife
Rub salt, pepper and juniper berries well over the duck breasts and allow to rest for at least 10 minutes to allow the meat to relax and tenderise.
Heat pan over high heat and when pan is hot place the breasts skin side down. Move the meat around to avoid sticking to pan and or burning.
Fry the meat for about 5minutes before turning over and fry for another three minutes. Drain off excess fat that has been rendered and put meat back to skin side down and fry for a further 5minutes
Remove from pan and allow to rest

I know duck goes well with orange sauce and or Recurrants jus but I've found my own cheat sauce which does the job just fine.

Mix your normal gravy and prepare as per pack instructions then add a tablespoon of chambord and simmer. If you do not have Chambord then a tablespoon of red currant jelly added to your gravy will do superbly.

Serve the duck breast on sautéed Chinese leaf to go with mashed or crushed potatoes and asparagus tips.

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