Monday 15 June 2015

Layered chocolate mousse

Me and the kids enjoyed making dessert tonight well the boys were more interested in tasting and licking bowls and the girl in giving instructions. It was a family effort, which rare for a midweek dinner preparation.

175g dark chocolate
175g milk chocolate
8 egg whites
2 egg yolks
50g castor sugar
2 tbs milk

175g white chocolate
175mls double cream whisked to stiff peaks
1 egg white

Break all chocolates separately to small pieces
Get 3 heat proof bowls and place the chocolates in each

Melt the dark chocolate over a pan of simmering water (ensuring that the bowl does not touch the bottom of the pan of water)
When chocolate has melted, add 1tbs milk and mix
Remove from heat, add egg yolk and mix quickly
Set aside

Repeat same with the milk chocolate and set bowl aside

Whisk the egg whites till they form soft peaks, then gradually add the castor sugar and whisk till you get firmer peaks.
Divide the egg white mixture between the dark no milk chocolates and gently fold until well incorporated.
Set aside

Melt the white chocolate as above allow to cool (remember there is no egg yolk in this one)
Add the whisked egg white and fold lightly
Add the double cream and fold gently

Scoop some white chocolate mousse into the glasses and chill for 30minutes (if pushed for time like me, freeze for 5-10minutes before layering the next chocolate and repeat the process. Chill the mousse for about one hour to allow them to set or as long as you are prepared to wait (if you can resist the temptation.
Easy Peasy (no not really but worth it).


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