Monday 6 April 2015

Ultimately brilliant beef stroganoff

Last night I had beef for my Sunday dinner, the wing rib was so big I decided to divide it and leave some for another day. So today I decided to use my now 30 matured beef and boy did I enjoy it. I usually buy 28day matured beef for my Sunday roasts and then left it in the fridge for a further 24 hours before using. It helps to tenderise the meat and bringing out its deeper colour with the marbled lines coming through.
Extra matured beef

400g sirloin or rump steak thinly sliced, 150g chestnut mushrooms (quartered), 1 large echalion shallot chopped, 1 clove garlic crushed, 2tbs butter, 2tsp tomato purée, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 4tbs white wine, 1tbs white wine vinegar, 150mls chicken stock 1/4tsp freshly ground pepper and some salt to taste. 150mls double cream or Creme fraiche 

Beef stroganoff served with rice and steamed asparagus 

Put a tablespoon of butter in the hot pan and slide in the beef and fry for about 5minutes. Remove the beef from pan and set aside.
Using same pan, pour in the oil and add remaining butter in the pan, add the shallot and sauté for 3minutes, add the mushrooms and garlic and cook for a further 3minutes until the mushrooms are tender.
Add the White wine vinegar, followed by the wine then the purée and mustard, reduce heat and simmer for a few minutes before putting back the meat. Add the cream and simmer for a further 5 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken.

Serve immediately with mashed potatoes, pasta or rice.

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