Sunday 24 May 2015

Beautiful summer day

It is a beautiful morning and promising to be a nicer day compared to yesterday. I would like to go out with the children and get out of the way of this building palaver but my children have other ideas. Ryan has asked me to make Eton Mess "because it's summer mommy and we have strawberries, besides we haven't had it at all this year"

This is what you get when your children are foodies. Eton Mess is of course an English dessert which originated from Eton College when the boys dropped the pavlova they were taking to the Principal, they had nothing else to give so they grouped up the mess nicely and presented it to the poor guy and Eton Mess was born.

I will and shall be making it for dessert this evening as per request from my non-paying customers. On one condition; they clean their bedrooms while I make the meringue which we will leave in the oven as we go out for lunch and a tumble in the woods and sitting by the ponds enjoying The beautiful weather.

We will share with you our mess later. 😘🍧🍧
Luscious Eton Mess
(Apologies for the delay in posting it; we were busy enjoying it)

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