Friday 20 February 2015

Simple foods

So I have decided to start sharing my experiences and love for simple homemade meals that are not only amazingly delicious, but healthy, big treats and yet economical too.

I am no Delia Smith, Nigella Lawson or Lorraine Pascale, what I am is a young mother with a passion for good food and the need to feed her family healthy meals and have fun making them. I am hoping to share my passion with the world and also learn from the world on what works.

I know I am very fussy about my food, how it's prepared, who's cooked it where it came from etc. however I am not obsessed with organics, I go for quality not shapes of tomatoes and bananas so I don't mind picking wonky looking vegetables from the essential section in Waitrose which most people would pass by. I am more than happy to compare and contrast items, feel the melon and smell the pineapples before buying them. If I have a choice I would rather visit the local farmers in Sevenoaks and pick my own vegetables and fruits and these always beat shop bought Vegas hands down every time. Now that winter is nearing to an end, I am looking forward to growing my vegetables again in the back garden and tending to my strawberry and raspberry bushes.

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