Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuile biscuits

I normally serve my creme brûlée accompanied by berries and an almond thin. Tonight I did not have almonds so I had to find an alternative. I decided on an all easy 'crispy thin' and crunchy tuile which I prepared whilst my husband was loading the dishwasher and the biscuits were ready before the table had been wiped.
Tuile biscuits are a versatile addition to any dessert and will transform your ordinary pudding into a classy dish which you can serve to your guests over a dinner party. Just make sure to follow the recipe below, I was in a rush so used a tbs instead of tsp because I just wanted to get it done with so I can go to bed.

I promise to make them again over the weekend and this time maybe top them with lemon curd or make fruit baskets with them.

Chocolate tuile

 Preparation: 3minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Easy to make

1 egg white (from large egg)
60g caster sugar
30g sifted plain flour
30g melted unsalted butter
1/2tsp vanilla extract 
1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)


Baking tray with Teflon
Slightly oiled rolling pin


Whisk egg white lightly using fork 
Add the sugar and carry on whisking till mixture is frothy
Add the flour, vanilla extract and melted butter and mix (and cocoa powder, if using)
Put 4tsp of mixture onto Teflon (easier to put on each corner of the Teflon) and spread a little using back of spoon
Bake for 10minutes

Remove tuile and place onto slightly oiled rolling pin to shape
Repeat process with remaining batter mixture 
You can shape tuiles into any desired shapes

Monday 30 March 2015

Chicken curry

I used to be scared of cooking curries, and resorted to paying 40 precious Pound Sterlings as a Saturday treat for my family. Half the times we would not enjoy the food and I would watch painfully as the leftovers went into the food bin for compost. Nowadays, I make my own and I don't have to wait for Saturdays anymore as I can have curry whenever I want (time allowing) and they are enjoyed by everyone.

Tonight I decided to use my chicken and shrimps from Sunday's dinner and ended up with a shrimp korma, chicken curry, chapatis and samosas (the only thing I did not make was the filo pastry) from scratch. Ok so my chapatis did not come out as beautifully rounded, but this is the joy of home cooking, every product is different from the other, authentic and rustic.

You do know that I'm up early for my day job, therefore have to catch some sleep. Recipes will follow tomorrow. Please be patient.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Crispy duck breast

Many people think that duck, like chicken has to be well done, I find duck to be most delicious and tender when pink. I hate the cardboard taste you get when duck is well done, therefore prefer mine just pink. 😘 Nice, quick and easy to make for midweek no fuss but good food dinners.

Pan fried duck breast on sautéed Chinese leaf
2 duck breasts
Salt and pepper to season
3 juniper berries crushed

Score the breasts with sharp end of the knife
Rub salt, pepper and juniper berries well over the duck breasts and allow to rest for at least 10 minutes to allow the meat to relax and tenderise.
Heat pan over high heat and when pan is hot place the breasts skin side down. Move the meat around to avoid sticking to pan and or burning.
Fry the meat for about 5minutes before turning over and fry for another three minutes. Drain off excess fat that has been rendered and put meat back to skin side down and fry for a further 5minutes
Remove from pan and allow to rest

I know duck goes well with orange sauce and or Recurrants jus but I've found my own cheat sauce which does the job just fine.

Mix your normal gravy and prepare as per pack instructions then add a tablespoon of chambord and simmer. If you do not have Chambord then a tablespoon of red currant jelly added to your gravy will do superbly.

Serve the duck breast on sautéed Chinese leaf to go with mashed or crushed potatoes and asparagus tips.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Desserts made easy

This dessert looks like I have spent a life time in the kitchen making it,-- and I have, because I choose to make my own pastries over shop bought ones. If you fancy having a go, you can start by buying ready to roll puff pastry from your local supermarket. The rest is easy as 1 2 3.

Raspberry millefuille

I sheet ready to roll puff pastry
300g double cream cream (whipped)
400g raspberries
Icing sugar to dust

Roll out the pastry and bake in pre-heated oven @ 180 degrees Celcius for 25 to 30minutes, place oven rack over pastry to stop it from puffing up
When done, place oven rack over pastry and press to flatten a bit.

Put cream in a piping bag and cut tip at about 3cm diameter. Pipe out the cream as in picture
Place raspberry onto each tip of the cream
Layer your pastries as in picture and finish off with a sprinkle of icing sugar.

If you time you can sprinkle some sugar onto the pastry prior to decorticating and blow torch to give that crunchy extra touch.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Sweet potato crisps

Lunch for one, when you can't be bothered to cook but feel hungry enough to eat. 

You don't need a recipe for this, it's s straight forward s it looks but really really filling to stop anyone snacking until dinner time.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Rosemary and Thyme Rack of Lamb with Recurrants

lamb rack or 8 cutlets
Sprig Rosemary
2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon fresh mint chopped
2tbs olive oil
1 echalion shallot finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

In a large pan mix all the ingredients together, add the meat and mix well using your hands.

Place large pan on high heat and allow it to become very hot.
Sear the meat in batches for about three minutes. When all the meat has been cooked, transfer to an oven proof dish and cook at 180 degrees for 10 minutes for medium rare or 15 minutes for well done.

Rack of lamb on baby cabbage with redcurrants and baby potatoes

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Marsala Poached Pears

I have always poached my pears in red wine with a drop of chambord, today however, I decided to use Marsala. I did not have enough caster sugar so I improvised with Light Muscovado sugar, the result was amazing, I got layers of flavours with the sweetness of the Marsala and the smoky Muscovado coming through and the spice from the cinnamon. I will not be going back to the original recipe again. 

4 ripened Rocha Pears peeled
150g caster sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
Vanilla pod split open
1cup Marsala (you can use red wine if you don't have Marsala)

Add ingredients in a heavy based pan or pot. Simmer on hob at medium heat for 20minutes. 
Transfer to oven at 180 deg Celcius for about 90 minutes
Finish off on the hob again for about 20 minutes to thicken the sauce. 

Put 1 pear on a plate standing upright, spoon over the sauce and serve

Marsala Poached Pear with quenelle of vanilla whipped cream.

Work Tea Party

So it was Nutrition and Hydration week at work and I decided to make some cakes for my team. It was fun and enjoyable baking these cakes at night but what was even more fun was watch people enjoy eating them.
Chocolate Tray Bake (team cherry)

Cappuccino cake, scones with freshly whipped cream and strawberries, white chocolate, milk chocolate truffles and amarulla brownies

Assortment of Teas and the highly demanded cake. #feelingsmug

Sunday 15 March 2015

Smoked Salmon and Prawn Starter

18 raw King prawns, cleaned
400g smoked salmon
20g fresh mint leaves
2tbs lemon juice
Zest of 1 lemon
1tbs creme fraiche
1 tsp horseradish
3 tbs olive oil
Salt and pepper
Baby leaf herb salad

Cook the prawns until they are pink (for 3 minutes)
Mix horseradish and Creme Fraiche together and season with salt and pepper then set aside
Put mint leaves in a blender and add the lemon juice and blitz, add the olive oil and blend until the mint is blended and mixture is nice and smooth, set aside

Drizzle a little of the mint sauce on each salad plate, top add salad leaves then smoked salmon followed by prawns (3 prawns per serving).
Scoop a dollop of the horseradish sauce on top then finish off with a drizzle of the mint dressing.

This is beautiful for a light summer lunch or dinner party starters.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Spinach and egg pasta

For that lazy Saturday after a busy week, when you can't be bothered about slaving in the kitchen. I just needed something simple and quick without compromising taste. What better meal to make than pasta?

Egg and Spinach Spinach with Creme Fraiche.
150g spaghetti
2tbsp Creme Fraiche
Salt and pepper to taste
Hand full baby spinach
2 eggs

Boil water then add spaghetti and eggs.
After 3minutes; remove the eggs from the water and allow them to cool
Boil spaghetti for a further 8minutes then add you spinach fro the remaining 3.
Drain the water, add Creme fraiche
Divide food into 2 pasta dishes
Peel your eggs and slice thinly (1 egg per person)
Season to taste and enjoy.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

My "Berry and Cream Tower"

I have a problem of being indecisive, I find it really hard to stick to my dinner plans as much as I try to plan in advance. I find myself making last minute changes especially when it comes to dessert.

Last night I decided very late that I was to have profiteroles for dessert, I quickly whizzed through everything and the dessert was in the oven while we were having dinner. The kids were excited and looking forward to profiteroles as this is one of their favourite desserts. After dinner, I felt tired and was too full to be bothered with piping in the cream, making the ganache and all that. So I decided to squash the profiteroles, pile up the cream and fruits used up the compote from the previous night. The result is impressive although I am not sure what to call it.

Dauphinois potatoes with lemon chicken


6 Russett potatoes washed and sliced not too tick but not too thin
200mls double cream
150ml Greek yoghurt
100mls milk
1tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1tbs butter
1clove garlic
200g grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 180 deg Celcius

Par boil the potatoes and drain off water

Whilst the potatoes are boiling: combine milk, cream, and season with salt and pepper
Bring mixture to boil and set aside

Grease oven proof dish with butter and rub in the garlic
Layer on the potatoes ensuring that they over lap each layer as you go
Sprinkle the cheese over potatoes and finish off with a nutmeg sprinkle
Pour the cream mixture over the potatoes making sure potatoes are immersed in the liquid
Cover with foil for the first 20minutes of baking then remove foil and continue baking for the remaining 10minutes until the food is golden



400g chicken wings or thighs
2cloves garlic crushed
1tbs clear honey
1/3cup White wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
1tbs butter
1tbs olive oil
1tbs lemon juice
1tsp grated lemon rind
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped coriander to garnish
1tbs cornflour

Fry the chicken in olive oil until cooked through and juices run clear
Transfer chicken to a clean bowl, mix the remaining ingredients and cook until liquid has reduced slightly, add the chicken back into the pan with the side and simmer for a further 10minutes on medium to low heat.
Garnish with coriander and serve with your potato gratin (dauphinois).

Sunday 8 March 2015

What's in your child's lunch box?

I got a request from my son this evening for packed lunches for the week. Until then I was happy for them to have school dinners. It was too late to make rolls as I normally do so this is what I came up with.
Crepes, Yes I decided to make crepes, added some vanilla extract for a delightful twist and rolled up some chicken, thrown in a muffin I made yesterday and voila 'Packed lunch was made'

 Yoghurt, juice, muffin and clementine plus chicken rolled crepe.
White chocolate and raspberry muffins

Sunday Celebrations

i got ridiculed last night for cooking spaghetti bolognaise for dinner. My children are so used to me trying something new or different every weekend so when they saw good old spaghetti on their plates they were not impressed. The meal is associated with mid week dinners something we just put together whilst looking at the time to make sure kids are not late for bed.

To make up for the disappointment I decided to do something different from the quail eggs and soups for starters. PLEASE PLEASE DO TRY THIS AT HOME IF YOU HAVE TIME.

Scallops with bacon strips and pea and mint purée on reduced balsamic vinegar.

300g peas (you can use frozen peas but I prefer fresh ones)
2tbs creme fraich
1tsp fresh lemon juice 
handful chopped fresh mint
8 scallops
10 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 pieces smoked rasher bacon (optional)

Cook your peas until tender in salted water (I like using chicken stock but you saled water is just fine)
Drain and put peas in blender, add creme fraiche, and mint and blend
Strain or sieve to get rid of the pulp and keep the purée until you are ready to serve.

Grill your bacon and cut into strips
Fry the scallops for 2minutes on each side 
Pour vinegar into a hot pan and heat through until reduced and becomes syrupy
Serve as desired.

White chocolate and Chambord creme brûlée with blackberries and raspberries in white chocolate infused mixed berries compote.

Friday 6 March 2015

Fish Friday

Here is to all the easy meals that are loved by the whole family, a healthy take on the fish and chip shop made in the comfort of my home. 


200mls any dark beer of choice
150mg plain flour
2 medium sized haddock fillet
Salt and pepper to season

You will also need vegetable oil and a deep skillet/fat fryer

Mix together beer, flour and seasoning and whisk allow to stand for an hour before using.
Heat oil until very hot or if using ryer turn dial to fish and let oil heat for 3minutes

Deep fish into batter and coat well before dipping into the oil. Cook till golden brown and fish is cooked through. 
Batter will puff up and becomes crispy.

Enjoy with your chunky chips or in my case just lots of salad.  


6 well ripened figs
2tbs clear honey
capful chambord

Cut each fig into four segments but do not cut through, leave the base intact so the fig opens up like a flower
Mix the chambord and honey together and pour over the figs and drizzle the remainder.
Bake figs in pre-heated oven @180deg Celcius for 10minutes. 
Serve with ice-cream

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Simple dinners

Being a full time working mum has a lot of challenges; juggling work, kids' school work, showers, packed lunches and bed time stories. Most of time is spent on planing and organising dinners to avoid the repetitive meals which my children dislike and so often remind me when they last had lasagna or shepherd's pie or bolognaise. I will then be told of better alternatives which would then be a struggle to pick one for the day as all three of them will come up with different suggestions allmofmwhic have to be honoured. This was my six year' old request for dinner and his older brother's suggestions for dessert. 

Stuffed chicken breast on Savoy cabbage served with horseradish mashed potatoes

Roast Pineapple in honey and sugar syrup accompanied with baileys infused whipped cream

I first had this dessert in Mozambique on my honeymoon and have been an occasional treat in my household ever since.  I know pineapples are sweet, and when mixed with honey and sugar; when Mitch think that it is going to be sickeningly sweet but you will be surprised. The warmed fruit is amazingly refreshing in your mouth and the sweetness is just about right with the juices bursting in your mouth. One slice is often not enough for me believe it or not. My kids love it, so do I and everyone else I have served it to. 

I dare you try it. 

1 well ripen pineapple 
2tbs caster sugar
1tbs clear honey

300mls double cream
1tsp lemon juice
Whip the 2 together till firm and set aside. Do not over whip

Slice your fruit lengthwise into six segments, mix sugar and honey and coat the fruits. Bake in oven at 180deg Celcius for 15-20minutes until fruit is soft and juices oozing out. 
Serve warm with the whipped cream and dazzle some of the juices on top of the fruit. 

Monday 2 March 2015

Lazy Monday's: super dinner

Ultimate steak burger treat for my family for a lazy Monday dinner.

I used rib eye steak to make these and they were super tender and beautiful. It's Monday okay so there is no time to make one's own burger buns so I got some focaccia buns which adds the crunchiness to it, topped that with blue Stilton cheese, red onion, gem lettuce and sliced vine tomatoes. It was hailed the best burger ever.

(I make my own burger from scratch but one can always buy ready made ones for that quick and easy meal).

Dessert was another of my time saving yumminess Lemon Possett with chambord and White chocolate ganache drizzled with strawberry compote and served with an almond thin (or two).

Just buy good quality lemon curd, 600ml double cream, 50g caster sugar and have a few strawberries to decorate.

Gently heat cream and sugar together till warm to hot, remove pan from heat and add the lemon curd, and mix gently till all is incorporated
Divide into dessert glasses or ramekins and chill till set. Serve with shortbread or almond thins.